Theralase Cold Laser Therapy
Some Laser Treatable Conditions Include:
- Tennis/Golfers Elbow
- Rotator Cuff tears
- Knee Pain
- Achilles Tendonitis
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Migraines
- Lower Back Pain
- Neck Pain
Benefits of Using Cold Laser Therapy:
- Rapid Cell Growth
- Faster Wound Healing
- Anti-Inflammatory action
- Reduced Fibrous Tissue Formation
- Increased Metabolic Activity; cold laser light produces higher outputs of specific enzymes, greater oxygen and food particle load for blood cells and thus greater production of the basic food source for cells: (ATP)
- Increased Vascular Activity
- Stimulates Nerve Function: cold laser light speeds up the process of nerve cell reconnection to bring the numb area caused by slow recovery of nerve function in damaged tissue back to life.
- Lasers can also be used to stimulate specific acupuncture point to stop smoking addiction and help in weight loss.
Theralase therapeutic laser treatments provide patients with a safe, effective and painless therapy that uses the body’s own natural healing systems to relieve pain, increase joint mobility, increase tissue integrity and promote cell regeneration.
Theralase lasers work by supplying energy to the body in the form of billions of photons of light. The body absorbs this laser light on a cellular level and transforms it into chemical energy which the body then uses to start its own tissue repairs. The stimulating effect of laser therapy causes a decrease in inflammation and pain and an increase in tissue regeneration and healing.
Theralase’s dual wavelength super pulsing technology is the only laser that can penetrate up to 4 inches into tissue activating all three known cellular pathways.
- ATP Pathway which accelerates healing
- Nitric Oxide pathway which reduces inflammation
- Lipid Absorption Pathway which decreases pain
Theralase lasers help both acute ans chronic pain conditions, addictions and cosmetic revitalization. Using the power of light energy we can help you regain the active and healthy lifestyle you desire.
Over 3,000 clinical studies worldwide have proven the success of therapeutic lasers in the healing of neuro-musculoskeletal conditions. This is why we have added theralase to the clinic for our patients in the east Ottawa and Orleans areas.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Do cold lasers burn?
Are cold lasers harmful?
Do cold lasers work?
How do these lasers work?
How long does therapy take?